Grip strength is strongly correlated with your longevity.

Issue #238 of the Better Humans Daily. Subscribe here for inspiration and knowledge.

Tony Stubblebine
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2022


Grip pressure — not mechanical flaws — is the biggest factor when you’re nervous. You unconsciously grip it tighter, which keeps you from making a smooth swing with a natural release. Keep your grip pressure light, and you’ll be surprised how much your mechanics stabilize.
~ Ernie Els

I don’t golf and so I don’t expect you’ll see many more golf quotes like this one. I plucked it because I had been reading about anxiety.

#1. Strength is more important than muscle mass.

From this study:

Both quadriceps and grip strength were strongly related to mortality. […] Muscle size was not.

When I bookmarked this, I also made a little note about correlation and causation. Nobody who is worried about longevity does just one thing. Instead, there’s a bundle of goals and activities that a person pursues. Either there is one in that bundle that is paramount or they work in collaboration, we don’t know. But, we can say that the above is in the bundle.

As a result, I have these hand strengtheners in my car and on my desk. They are fidget spinners for people who read longevity research.

#2. “I bet they rehearse a lot.”

I love this observation from one master about another:

“I bet they rehearse a lot. You don’t sound like that unless you’ve rehearsed til the dirt falls off and the shine comes through.” Ruth Violette recounts her time as Prince’s former assistant (yes, that Prince) — and their shared love for the Foo Fighters.

From this article, h/t to the @medium Twitter account.

#3. It’s not too late to get stronger.

Here is an excellent Twitter thread summarizing an older 1994 study. The highlight of the thread is this:

100 adults with an average age 87
66% with at least one fall in the past year
Overall 113% increase in muscle strength in the 50 people in the exercise group!

If 87-year-olds can get stronger, then so can you.

