I'm starting to get asked how we feel about AI created writing on Medium.
One thing AI art has going for it is that there isn't a right or wrong response. We can project and react and let our minds go wherever we want. If we like our own reaction, then that's a good reason to like the art. I could imagine putting many of these on the wall and appreciating it through my own personal lens and interpretation.
But on the other end, sometimes there is a more concrete desired reaction. If I were to ask an AI to write me directions to bake the perfect chocolate chip cookie in the the style of Mark Bittman then my desired reaction is that I can bake the cookies and they'll be delicious.
Of course, maybe the AI gets the cookie recipe "right."
But even then I'd rather have a human in the loop who tested the cookie before me.
I wonder if a Medium poet will wander by here and weigh in on having a heavy does of AI-based poetry here on the platform. If not, I'll find a few and ask.