Thank you for assuming good faith. Your question, to me, shows exactly why you should take me in good faith.
You are a potential paying customer. Aside: this is confusing to me since Jessica seems to only publish paid pieces. How are you reading them if you aren't a member?
Regardless, you are a paying customer or potential paying customer. And you want to read Jessica's pieces and feel strongly enough to write a response telling me that.
Why on earth would Medium intentionally try to get in the way of that? I'm just not seeing the logic of why we (or in some cases me) are being made out to be the enemy. It's easy to see all the ways Medium falls short. But to attribute that to bad faith just seems illogical. We don't benefit.
Our job is to help everyone, readers and authors. That's literally how we make money. When we do a good job, then we make more money. When we do a bad job, we make less.
Regarding why you aren't seeing her posts... this sounds like something that our support team might be able to help with. They have better tools for looking at an individual account and I would encourage you to send in a support request.
But based on what you are saying about your feeds, I would encourage you to use the "see less like this" option on these misinformed articles (as you put it) and to check your following feed. Is she not in there at all?