Very happy to have poetry here. People assume I don't even though I do read some poetry and have included poems in my own writing.
But my entry to Medium came for professional reasons and so I have a very professional-topic-leaning reading history here. I could use help even understanding the poetry landscape on Medium. Am I right to say that Scribe focuses on poetry? Are their other poetry publications you'd recommend?
Regarding your question...
"What do you do with other readers? Now dear Tony, go and see my profile and the publication I have been editing for over five years."
I went and saw your profile and publication and had already seen your partner program recommendation.
The literal answer is that we do lots. Since I've been here we fixed a lot of bugs in responses, added the mobile editor back, made it more likely that your followers see your posts. I think of those as all things that benefit Scribe and poets generally.
What should we do next?
We often do specific work for specific types of writing here. For example, very soon we will have syntax highlighting for code snippets in programming articles. I doubt other topics will use this feature, but it's very important to programmers.
But I don't know of a similar feature for poetry. Is it better handling of whitespace? I keep throwing that out to poets here but haven't heard an enthusiastic response.
If there aren't poetry specific changes, then that's fine. We still have many general purpose changes in the works.